Wednesday, May 19, 2021

The plot and the main characters in The Jane Austen Society are fictional, but many of the facts about Jane Austen and Chawton UK, the community where Miss Austen spent the last eight years of her life, are real. The story takes place in Chawton, just after World War II, more than a hundred years after Jane Austen died. The characters are still living with the pain of the world war, but they have the support of each other. This novel honors the value of intimate friendships and small-town life.

The story is about Jane Austen fans, who are obsessed with her books. They read and re-read the novels repeatedly, then compare the characters' lives and values with their own. They have decided to form a society with the purpose of raising money to establish a museum honoring Austen. These fans consist mainly of people who have grown up in Chawton, but a few others, also obsessed with Austen, are brought into the group. Among those additions there is a famous actress named Mimi Harrison and an auctioneer from Sotheby's named Yardley Sinclair. The group ends up with a wonderful mix of expertise, fame and down-home charm. These friends love literature, specifically Austen's books, but also learn to love each other. There is romance in the book as well as barriers to overcome in pursuit of their goals.

The book is charming and fun, but also has its tense moments. I enjoyed it thoroughly. 

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