Monday, June 6, 2016

Rachael Tamayo, author of the new novel Chase Me due out soon from Solstice Publishing

I'm taking a break from my book reviews this week to write about a new friend, author Rachael Tamayo. Her novel Chase Me is coming out soon with Solstice Publishing. I'm looking forward to reading it along with the other books she's working on.

Rachael Tamayo

1. Tell Us a little about yourself.

My name is Rachael Tamayo. I’ve been married for 12 years and have a 3 year old son. I’ve lived in Texas all my life (dang it’s hot here!) and I’ve been writing off and on since childhood. I’ve always wanted to be an author. My mom loved to write too, but was too scared to go anywhere with it. I think it’s in my blood!

2. Is Writing your full time profession, or do you have a "day job?"

My dream is to be able to write full time, but as of right now, I am a police dispatcher and 911 operator. I’ve been doing this for 10 years and have won a few awards including Telecommunicator of the Year for my local department. I was nominated for the APCO/NENA Telecommunicator of the Year a few years back, and was honored even though I didn’t win. I write in my spare time. So when I’m not chasing a 3 year old, being a wife, working, doing Mom stuff and chores, I’m probably writing.

3. What is your book about?

 Glad you asked! Chase Me, book one in the romantic series, Friend-Zone. Adrienne Lawrence loves her friends. It seems, however, that she doesn’t get along with her family as well. One hot Texas summer, Adrienne manages to fall headfirst over her own big mouth when she lies to her Mom about a long term boyfriend in efforts to squelch her Mom’s nasty comments about having a date for a family wedding. Clint Montgomery, one of her best friends, kindly steps in agreeing to play the part of the devoted boyfriend during a week-long venue wedding across the country. After a week of pretend kisses and smoldering looks, the lines between what is fake and what is real seem to become fuzzy. The only problem is, Adrienne doesn’t want to become one of the women that Clint leaves in his wake, but fighting what she’s feeling is becoming almost impossible. Chase me is in the editing process and will be released later this year.

4. What is your current project?

I’ve been editing books two and three In the Friend-Zone series. I’m currently drafting a new book, called Crazy Love. It’s a stand alone romantic suspense. Emily Bronte is a young Pharmacist that has an over enthusiastic customer, Noah Burrell. He comes to see her every day at work and gives her the creeps every time she see’s him. Then there is Isaiah Penrose. He’s a detective for a local police department and the duo (Isaiah and Emily) had an unforgettable one night stand months before that neither of them forget. When they cross paths again, things heat up rapidly. Unfortunately, things with Noah start to get freaky weird and it becomes a scary game of life and death.

5. What is your process?

Does your mood/location have to be specific or can you write anywhere and anytime? I can write anyplace, anytime. I can write in my phone, in downtime at work, at home, anywhere. I do get inspired by music a lot. If I hear the right song, it sends my imagination into overdrive and feeds my creativity.

6. What do you read?

I read a few different Things. I’ve been known to read Young Adult, Crime novels, mysteries, Romance, Thrillers, and a Paranormal here and there.

7. Whats the last book you read?

The last book I read was Hearts in Darkness, by Laura Kaye. It’s a Romance, Novellette, and it’s a sweet and sexy story of a guy and a girl that get trapped in an elevator in the dark together for hours. I just started to read The Girl in the Ice, by Robert Bryndza, a Serial Killer thriller.

8. How can readers find you?
My website and blog:




Google + :

9. Where can people buy your books?

Stay tuned for details. My short story, The Stones is coming out June 21 in the Solstice Publishing’s Summer Anthology. Check my pages above for details on release and for links.

10. Anything you'd like to add?

For aspiring authors, don’t give up. Keep writing. Keep revising. Keep getting that feedback from your critique groups and beta readers, even if it hurts. It makes you better. Everything you write makes you better. Don’t give up.

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