This is my first step into the world of blogging. I've been thinking about making this move for awhile now. Since the New Year is approaching quickly, I've decided to make the creation of this blog my resolution. Part of the reason I'm writing this is to publicize my book - Motherless Soul published by All Things That Matter Press, but more than that I'm motivated by a love of all kinds of writing. So at least once a week I'll be talking about random things that will be loosely connected with thoughts about writing, reading and other forms of art.
My wife, Toni is an artist, so I'm involved in the art community through her. I also have a background in theater. It's been a few years since I've been in a play, but I still love the stage. We have season tickets for Triad Stage, a small theater in Greensboro. The last show we saw there was Oleanna by David Mammet. I can't say I liked it. I don't believe it was a bad production, but Mammet managed to write a play with only two characters and make them both despicable. At the end all the people in the audience were shaking their heads and wondering what to think.
My book is about Emily Vinson, a woman whose entire life was impacted by the loss of her mother when she was 2years old. At 82 Emily contacts a hypnotist hoping to draw out hidden memories and discover as much as possible about the short time she spent with the woman who gave her life. Glen Wiley, the hypnotist, teaches her more about herself than she had expected. He helps her bring out memories of many past lives, including an experience that took place on a smoke filled battlefield. All of Emily's lives have had the same tragic event, the loss of her mother at a young age. Her soul is caught in what Glen calls circularity, meaning that the tragedy will occur again and again unless she can break the pattern. She and Glen must revisit her past lives and use what they learn to find the other souls who are part of the circle. They must use the past to change the future. Emily's stubborn desire to know her mother is realized in intricate and unsettling ways no one could have imagined possible.
If that sounds interesting, here's a link to my website www.stevelindahl.com.
Welcome to the blogosphere!